I was born in Vlaardingen in 1969. My father was an enthusiastic amateur photographer and lent me his camera when I was around 8 years old. Ever since, I’ve been captivated by capturing special moments. From that point on, I have consistently taken photographs, but I also developed an interest in other visual art forms such as drawing and painting. As they say, blood is thicker than water, so after earning my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a Master’s degree in Psychology in 2002, I made a significant change in direction. My new goal was to incorporate more art into my life and attempt to sustain myself through art. In 2003, I enrolled at the Willem de Kooning Art Academy in Rotterdam and established a design agency called “Blue in Green.” I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree in 2007, specializing in art photography.

In 2008, I co-founded the REALmag. magazine with designer-artist Ab Bol. Then, in 2010, I became a member of the art group Föhn based in Tilburg. art-group Föhn from Tilburg.

All of my life choices, from my academic pursuits to my artistic interests, are interconnected. Beyond that, my fascination extends to exploring human behavior, history, philosophy, culture, and art. These interests all serve an introspective purpose: to understand myself through the experiences and perspectives of others. The outside world functions as my therapist, offering me a mirror, acting as a translator, and serving as an inquisitive interviewer. This is why my work often revolves around themes such as identity, authenticity, and perception. A truly engaging artist, much like a skilled therapist, shares a genuine interest in their subject, demonstrates empathy, and isn’t afraid to pose the questions that others may avoid. I hope these qualities are evident in both my long-term projects and my street photography.

Published in printed ed. of DOCU-magazine vol.4, issue 5 (Sept 2023). You can buy it here
Nominated book “DocuBooks summer 2023” (2023)
Published in DocuBooks vol. 31 – Best of Documentary & Street Photography (2023)
NOW! Galerie De Woonkamer Van de Burgermeester (summer 2023)
REALmag.#7 Weemoed (2020)
REALmag.#6 Magy en het Fibonacci Mysterie (2019)
Photos and design at Haarlems Archief, Haarlem (2016)
REALmag.#5 Gelukszoekers (2015)
Group Show at De Hallen, Haarlem (2015)
REALmag.#3 Zwart-wit denken (2015)
REALmag.#2,5 Waanzin (2014)
REALmag.#2 Manipulatie (2014)
REALmag.#1 Schaamte (2013)
Exposition (Föhn) at Gallery Kunstpodium T, Tilburg (2011)
Papier Koerier, edition 107 (2011)
Group Show and publication Coebergh RH2010, Grote Kerk Breda (2010)
Group Show and publication Roodharigendag Breda (2008 en 2009)
Group Show ‘Krooning“, Las Palmas Rotterdam (2007)|
Group Show Visserij Museum, Vlaardingen (2006)
RAILS, magazine from the Dutch Railways (NS), new edition#1 (2005)
Group Show Galerie De Duig, Vlaardingen (1994, 1995 and 1996)
Group Show Vrije Academie, Vlaardingen (1993)

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