In 2011-2012 the Föhn art-collective made a photo-documentary of Charlerois, a small city in the south of Belgium. Of course everyone – including myself – approached this city from his or her own vision.

Charlerois is colloquially known as an “ugly city”, located in one of the poorest areas of the Wallonië area. Nevertheless I preferred to look (and listen) to Charlerois with an open eye. I over jumped prejudices and looked for a way to let Charlerois reveal her own identity. Via her colors. One of my main goals was to reveal the complete color-palette via the corners of the city via 360 or 180 degrees photos. With a long shutter time I was able to lay hold of Charlois color-spectrum. I divided Charlerois in even square kilometers, so my collection of pictures will be a representative reproduction.

My next goal is to find out how Charlerois is sounding. In coöperation with a mathematician I build an algorithm to translate the Charlerois color-palette to sound. In an upcoming /exhibition of this series, the images accompanied by their sound.

You can view a slideshow of some photos here

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